Rice University Exhibits for Asian Focus Areas

Last update: 12/8/2018
Rice University Website

Rice University  Exhibit 1. Asian American and White Graduates by IPEDS Degree Areas

Rice University Exhibit 2. Asian Focus Areas Identified by Overall Asian-to-White Ratio

Rice University  Exhibit 3A. Graduates -- All Races
  • A2W, the right-most column, displays the ratio of the number of students in the Asian column to the number in the White column for each category. 
  • The last four rows of the table show the total enrollments, total number of students in Asian Focus areas, percentage of total enrollments, the total number in Asian Focus Areas, and the percentage of enrollments in Asian Focus Areas, respectively.

Rice University Graduates, Class of 2016
DegreeAreas All White Asian Hispanic Black A2W
PublicAdministrationSocialService 2 1 0 0 0 0.00
History 17 10 0 3 1 0.00
ForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics 19 12 1 3 1 0.08
PoliticalScience 24 13 2 4 1 0.15
VisualPerformingArts 41 24 4 11 0 0.17
EnglishLanguageLiterature 24 11 2 2 3 0.18
AreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup 15 7 2 2 0 0.29
Architecture 42 21 7 1 0 0.33
ParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies 63 25 10 7 12 0.40
MathematicsStatistics 70 30 13 7 2 0.43
SocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli 40 10 5 13 3 0.50
ComputerInformationSciences 65 30 15 6 0 0.50
PhysicalSciences 48 22 13 4 1 0.59
AFA-Engineering 233 79 51 44 10 0.65
AFA-PhilosophyReligiousStudies 7 3 2 1 1 0.67
AFA-EngineeringTechnologies 9 3 2 0 0 0.67
AFA-Economics 88 28 24 8 4 0.86
AFA-MultiInterdisciplinaryStudies 35 11 10 7 4 0.91
AFA-Psychology 59 16 23 8 4 1.44
AFA-BiologicalBiomedicalSciences 114 31 45 17 8 1.45
...SumClassOf2016... 1015 387 231 148 55 0.60
...PercentClassOf2016... 100 38 23 15 5 0.60
...SumAsianFocusAreas... 545 171 157 85 31 0.92
...PercentAsianFocus... 54 44 68 57 56 1.55

Rice University  Exhibit 3B. Graduates -- Other Components
Abbreviated column headings have the usual meanings:
  • The "Others" category includes AmericanIndians/AlaskaNatives and NativeHawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders
  • "TwoOrMore" = multiracial students 
  • "Unknown" = students who did not specify any racial group
  • "NonResAlien" = non-resident aliens, i.e., foreign students.

Rice University Graduates, Class of 2016
DegreeAreas All Others TwoOrMore Unknown NonResAlien
PublicAdministrationSocialService 2 0 1 0 0
History 17 0 0 2 1
ForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics 19 0 1 0 1
PoliticalScience 24 0 0 0 4
VisualPerformingArts 41 0 1 1 0
EnglishLanguageLiterature 24 0 4 0 2
AreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup 15 1 3 0 0
Architecture 42 0 1 0 12
ParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies 63 0 5 2 2
MathematicsStatistics 70 0 1 1 16
SocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli 40 0 3 1 5
ComputerInformationSciences 65 0 2 0 12
PhysicalSciences 48 0 3 1 4
AFA-Engineering 233 0 8 5 36
AFA-PhilosophyReligiousStudies 7 0 0 0 0
AFA-EngineeringTechnologies 9 0 2 0 2
AFA-Economics 88 0 5 5 14
AFA-MultiInterdisciplinaryStudies 35 0 0 2 1
AFA-Psychology 59 0 5 0 3
AFA-BiologicalBiomedicalSciences 114 0 7 3 3
...SumClassOf2016... 1015 1 52 23 118
...PercentClassOf2016... 100 0 5 2 12
...SumAsianFocusAreas... 545 0 27 15 59
...PercentAsianFocus... 54 0 52 65 50

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