Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) Exhibits for Asian Focus Areas

Last update: 12/7/2018
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Website 

M.I.T. Exhibit 1. Asian and White Graduates by IPEDS Degree Areas 
The chart in this exhibit shows the number of Asian and White graduates for programs in each degree area.
  • For each degree area, blue bars show White graduates; light blue bars show Asian graduates

Key points:
  • The light blue Asian bars for 7 of M.I.T.'s 16 IPEDS areas do not appear because there were only a few Asian graduates in those areas. The exact number of graduates are displayed in the table in the next exhibit.

M.I.T. Exhibit 2. Asian Focus Areas Identified by Overall Asian-to-White Ratio

Key points:
  • As in the previous chart, no bars appear for seven of the 16 categories because there were so few Asian graduates in those areas that the A2W ratios were zero or close to zero
  • Of M.I.T's 5 Asian Focus Areas, MathematicsStatistics is the strongest, followed by Economics and Architecture. But the table in the next exhibit will show that Economics and Architecture produced small numbers of Asian and White graduates

M.I.T. Exhibit 3A. Graduates -- All Races
Readers should note that the "NAN" entries in the Asian-to-White ratio column (A2W) for EnglishLanguageLiterature and CommunicationJournalism appear because the number of Asian and White graduates in both areas was zero, yielding 0/0 entries, which are not numbers, hence the "NAN" for "not a number" ... :-)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduates, Class of 2016
DegreeAreas All White Asian Hispanic Black A2W 
VisualPerformingArts 0.00 
SocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli 0.00 
PoliticalScience 0.00 
LiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies 0.00 
ForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics 0.00 
BusinessManagementMarketing 18 0.22 
PhysicalSciences 86 34 11 15 0.32 
Engineering 468 194 87 86 32 0.45 
MultiInterdisciplinaryStudies 40 19 11 0.58 
AFA-BiologicalBiomedicalSciences 89 34 29 0.85 
AFA-ComputerInformationSciences 295 95 102 35 13 1.07 
AFA-Architecture 14 1.25 
AFA-Economics 12 1.33 
AFA-MathematicsStatistics 72 19 26 1.37 
EnglishLanguageLiterature NaN 
CommunicationJournalism NaN 
...SumClassOf2016... 1111 419 277 164 64 0.66 
...PercentClassOf2016... 100 38 25 15 0.66 
...SumAsianFocusAreas... 482 155 166 55 21 1.07 
...PercentAsianFocus... 43 37 60 34 33 1.62 

Key points:
  • As per the bottom line of the table, 60 percent of the Asian American graduates obtained degrees from programs within M.I.T's 5 Asian Focus Areas. By contrast, only 37 percent of the White graduates obtained degrees in those areas.
  • The bottom line of the table shows that only 34% of M.I.T's Hispanic American graduates obtained degrees within Asian Focus Areas
  • Similarly, the bottom line shows that only 33% of Black Americans obtained degrees within Asian Focus Areas
  • ComputerInformationSciences, the strongest Asian Focus Area, produced the largest number of Asian graduates, by far, of all of M.I.T.'s 16 degree areas.
  • Engineering, the area that produce the largest number of graduates, by far, was not an Asian Focus Group because its A2W ratio, 0.45, though a bit larger than Harvard's defining 0.42 ratio, was well below M.I.T.'s overall 0.62 Asian-to-White ratio. 
  • Engineering also produced the largest number of Hispanic (86) and Black (32) graduates
  • Whereas Asian Focus Areas at Harvard and most other institutions were more STEM oriented than other degree areas, this was not a defining feature at M.I.T. 
  • The number of graduates in M.I.T.'s Class of 2019 was about the same as the number of graduates in Harvard's Class of 2019 in Harvard's Asian Focus Areas, 1,111 and 936 respectively.

M.I.T. Exhibit 3B. Graduates -- Other Components 
Abbreviated column headings have the following meanings:

  • The "Others" category includes AmericanIndians/AlaskaNatives and NativeHawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders
  • "TwoOrMore" = multiracial students 
  • "Unknown" = students who did not specify any racial group
  • "NonResAlien" = non-resident aliens, i.e., foreign students
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduates, Class of 2016
DegreeAreas All Others TwoOrMore Unknown NonResAlien 
BusinessManagementMarketing 18 
PhysicalSciences 86 18 
Engineering 468 22 39 
MultiInterdisciplinaryStudies 40 
AFA-BiologicalBiomedicalSciences 89 
AFA-ComputerInformationSciences 295 17 28 
AFA-Architecture 14 NA NA NA NA 
AFA-Economics 12 
AFA-MathematicsStatistics 72 14 
CommunicationJournalism NA NA 
...SumClassOf2016... 1111 53 20 114 
...PercentClassOf2016... 100 10 
...SumAsianFocusAreas... 482 NA NA NA NA 
...PercentAsianFocus... 43 NA NA NA NA 

Key points:

  • The last three columns will provide inputs for the analysis of the advocates' challenge to Harvard's admissions in the final section of the Findings.

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