### R Scripts to generate all tables and charts for Asian challenge
### to Harvard affirmative action race-based admissions
### ... Scripts should be executed in order
### master1.R ==> master2.R ==> master3.R ==> master4.R
### User must change the "home" variable to point to the folder/directory
### on his/her computer
### A. Set the working directory, load required libraries, and
### read IPEDS-raw.csv and IPEDS-raw-others.csv data
rm(list = ls()) ### clear the environment
# home <- "blah/blah-blah/.../blah-blah-blah/SIX-YEAR-GRAD-RATES/"
home <- "/blah-blah...blah-blah/PROJECT-AFFIRMATIVE-ACTION-LEGAL-CHALLENGE/"
### Developed using R = version 3.5.1 and R Studio = version 1.456
### install.packages("tidyverse")
### Read IPEDS as tibble, not dataframe
### ... Use tibbles throughout ... Most things are better with tibbles,
### ... but there are, sometimes,
### ... "The Trouble with Tibbles" ... :-)
### Code generates tables and charts for each of the
### 21 private institutions = Black 6-year 5 percent 50 group + Cal Tech
dtIPEDS_raw <- read_csv("IPEDS-raw.csv")
# Ignore the warning message about unnamed variable now called "X219"
dtIPEDS_raw <- select(dtIPEDS_raw, -c(X219))
### The next file was added while writing the final sections of the report
### when it became clear that hours spent wrangling this data into shape
### then integrating it into the previous data would enable the production
### of a more concise, and, hopefully, more persuasive analysis
dtIPEDS_Others_raw <- read_csv("IPEDS-raw-others.csv")
# Ignore the warning message about unnamed variable now called "X126"
dtIPEDS_Others_raw <- select(dtIPEDS_Others_raw, -c(X126))
prepTable_0 <- function(dt){
### Reads raw IPEDS data, renames variables, calculates misc other stuff,
### returns master tibble ...
dt <- dt %>%
# Rename IPEDS variables to user friendly names
rename(institution = `Institution Name`,
totalGrads16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Grand total Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGrads16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Grand total Bachelor's degree)`, blackGrads16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Grand total Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGrads16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Grand total Bachelor's degree)` ,
whiteGrads16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Grand total Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsAgriculture16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Agriculture Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsAgriculture16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Agriculture Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsAgriculture16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Agriculture Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsAgriculture16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Agriculture Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsAgriculture16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Agriculture Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsNaturalResourcesConservation16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Natural Resources and Conservation Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsNaturalResourcesConservation16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Natural Resources and Conservation Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsNaturalResourcesConservation16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Natural Resources and Conservation Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsNaturalResourcesConservation16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Natural Resources and Conservation Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsNaturalResourcesConservation16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Natural Resources and Conservation Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsArchitecture16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Architecture and Related Services Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsArchitecture16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Architecture and Related Services Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsArchitecture16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Architecture and Related Services Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsArchitecture16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Architecture and Related Services Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsArchitecture16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Architecture and Related Services Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsAreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Area Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsAreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Area Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsAreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Area Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsAreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Area Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsAreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Area Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsCommunicationJournalism16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Communication Journalism and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsCommunicationJournalism16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Communication Journalism and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsCommunicationJournalism16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Communication Journalism and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsCommunicationJournalism16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Communication Journalism and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsCommunicationJournalism16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Communication Journalism and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsCommunicationsTechnologies16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsCommunicationsTechnologies16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsCommunicationsTechnologies16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsCommunicationsTechnologies16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsCommunicationsTechnologies16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsComputerInformationSciences16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsComputerInformationSciences16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsComputerInformationSciences16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsComputerInformationSciences16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsComputerInformationSciences16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsPersonalCulinaryServices16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Personal and Culinary Services Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsPersonalCulinaryServices16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Personal and Culinary Services Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsPersonalCulinaryServices16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Personal and Culinary Services Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsPersonalCulinaryServices16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Personal and Culinary Services Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsPersonalCulinaryServices16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Personal and Culinary Services Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsEducation16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Education Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsEducation16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Education Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsEducation16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Education Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsEducation16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Education Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsEducation16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Education Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsEngineering16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsEngineering16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsEngineering16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsEngineering16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsEngineering16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsEngineeringTechnologies16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsEngineeringTechnologies16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsEngineeringTechnologies16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsEngineeringTechnologies16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsEngineeringTechnologies16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Foreign Languages Literatures and Linguistics Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Foreign Languages Literatures and Linguistics Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Foreign Languages Literatures and Linguistics Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Foreign Languages Literatures and Linguistics Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Foreign Languages Literatures and Linguistics Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsFamilyConsumerSciences16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsFamilyConsumerSciences16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsFamilyConsumerSciences16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsFamilyConsumerSciences16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsFamilyConsumerSciences16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsLegalProfessionsStudies16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Legal Professions and Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsLegalProfessionsStudies16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Legal Professions and Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsLegalProfessionsStudies16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Legal Professions and Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsLegalProfessionsStudies16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Legal Professions and Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsLegalProfessionsStudies16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Legal Professions and Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsEnglishLanguageLiterature16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major English Language and Literature/Letters Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsEnglishLanguageLiterature16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major English Language and Literature/Letters Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsEnglishLanguageLiterature16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major English Language and Literature/Letters Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsEnglishLanguageLiterature16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major English Language and Literature/Letters Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsEnglishLanguageLiterature16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major English Language and Literature/Letters Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsLiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies and Humanities Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsLiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies and Humanities Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsLiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies and Humanities Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsLiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies and Humanities Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsLiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies and Humanities Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsLibraryScience16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Library Science Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsLibraryScience16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Library Science Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsLibraryScience16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Library Science Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsLibraryScience16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Library Science Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsLibraryScience16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Library Science Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsBiologicalBiomedicalSciences16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsBiologicalBiomedicalSciences16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsBiologicalBiomedicalSciences16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsBiologicalBiomedicalSciences16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsBiologicalBiomedicalSciences16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsMathematicsStatistics16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Mathematics and Statistics Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsMathematicsStatistics16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Mathematics and Statistics Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsMathematicsStatistics16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Mathematics and Statistics Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsMathematicsStatistics16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Mathematics and Statistics Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsMathematicsStatistics16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Mathematics and Statistics Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsMilitaryTechnologiesAppliedSciences16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Military Technologies and Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsMilitaryTechnologiesAppliedSciences16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Military Technologies and Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsMilitaryTechnologiesAppliedSciences16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Military Technologies and Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsMilitaryTechnologiesAppliedSciences16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Military Technologies and Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsMilitaryTechnologiesAppliedSciences16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Military Technologies and Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsMultiInterdisciplinaryStudies16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsMultiInterdisciplinaryStudies16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsMultiInterdisciplinaryStudies16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsMultiInterdisciplinaryStudies16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsMultiInterdisciplinaryStudies16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Parks Recreation Leisure and Fitness Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Parks Recreation Leisure and Fitness Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Parks Recreation Leisure and Fitness Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Parks Recreation Leisure and Fitness Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Parks Recreation Leisure and Fitness Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsPhilosophyReligiousStudies16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Philosophy and Religious Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsPhilosophyReligiousStudies16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Philosophy and Religious Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsPhilosophyReligiousStudies16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Philosophy and Religious Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsPhilosophyReligiousStudies16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Philosophy and Religious Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsPhilosophyReligiousStudies16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Philosophy and Religious Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsTheologyReligiousVocations16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Theology and Religious Vocations Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsTheologyReligiousVocations16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Theology and Religious Vocations Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsTheologyReligiousVocations16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Theology and Religious Vocations Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsTheologyReligiousVocations16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Theology and Religious Vocations Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsTheologyReligiousVocations16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Theology and Religious Vocations Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsPhysicalSciences16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Physical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsPhysicalSciences16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Physical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsPhysicalSciences16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Physical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsPhysicalSciences16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Physical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsPhysicalSciences16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Physical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsScienceTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Science Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsScienceTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Science Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsScienceTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Science Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsScienceTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Science Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsScienceTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Science Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsPsychology16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Psychology Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsPsychology16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Psychology Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsPsychology16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Psychology Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsPsychology16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Psychology Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsPsychology16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Psychology Bachelor's degree)`,
totaGradslHomelandSecurityLawEnforcementFirefightingRelatedProtectiveService16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Homeland Security Law Enforcement Firefighting and Related Protective Service Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsHomelandSecurityLawEnforcementFirefightingRelatedProtectiveService16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Homeland Security Law Enforcement Firefighting and Related Protective Service Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsHomelandSecurityLawEnforcementFirefightingRelatedProtectiveService16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Homeland Security Law Enforcement Firefighting and Related Protective Service Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsHomelandSecurityLawEnforcementFirefightingRelatedProtectiveService16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Homeland Security Law Enforcement Firefighting and Related Protective Service Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsHomelandSecurityLawEnforcementFirefightingRelatedProtectiveService16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Homeland Security Law Enforcement Firefighting and Related Protective Service Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsPublicAdministrationSocialService16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Public Administration and Social Service Professions Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsPublicAdministrationSocialService16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Public Administration and Social Service Professions Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsPublicAdministrationSocialService16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Public Administration and Social Service Professions Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsPublicAdministrationSocialService16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Public Administration and Social Service Professions Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsPublicAdministrationSocialService16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Public Administration and Social Service Professions Bachelor's degree)`,
# <int> ...
totalGradsSocialSciences16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Social Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsSocialSciences16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Social Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsSocialSciences16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Social Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsSocialSciences16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Social Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsSocialSciences16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Social Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsConstructionTrades16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Construction Trades Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsConstructionTrades16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Construction Trades Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsConstructionTrades16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Construction Trades Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsConstructionTrades16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Construction Trades Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsConstructionTrades16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Construction Trades Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsMechanicRepairTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsMechanicRepairTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsMechanicRepairTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsMechanicRepairTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsMechanicRepairTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsPrecisionProduction16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Precision Production Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsPrecisionProduction16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Precision Production Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsPrecisionProduction16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Precision Production Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsPrecisionProduction16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Precision Production Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsPrecisionProduction16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Precision Production Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsTransportationMaterialsMoving16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Transportation and Materials Moving Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsTransportationMaterialsMoving16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Transportation and Materials Moving Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsTransportationMaterialsMoving16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Transportation and Materials Moving Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsTransportationMaterialsMoving16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Transportation and Materials Moving Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsTransportationMaterialsMoving16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Transportation and Materials Moving Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsVisualPerformingArts16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsVisualPerformingArts16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsVisualPerformingArts16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsVisualPerformingArts16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsVisualPerformingArts16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsHealthProfessionsRelatedPrograms16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Health Professions and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsHealthProfessionsRelatedPrograms16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Health Professions and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsHealthProfessionsRelatedPrograms16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Health Professions and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsHealthProfessionsRelatedPrograms16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Health Professions and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsHealthProfessionsRelatedPrograms16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Health Professions and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsBusinessManagementMarketing16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Business Management Marketing and Related Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsBusinessManagementMarketing16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Business Management Marketing and Related Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsBusinessManagementMarketing16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Business Management Marketing and Related Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsBusinessManagementMarketing16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Business Management Marketing and Related Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsBusinessManagementMarketing16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Business Management Marketing and Related Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsHistory16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major History Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsHistory16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major History Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsHistory16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major History Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsHistory16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major History Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsHistory16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major History Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsEconomics16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Economics Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsEconomics16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Economics Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsEconomics16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Economics Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsEconomics16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Economics Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsEconomics16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Economics Bachelor's degree)`,
totalGradsPoliticalScience16 = `Grand total (C2016_A_RV First major Political Science and Government Bachelor's degree)`,
blackGradsPoliticalScience16 = `Black or African American total (C2016_A_RV First major Political Science and Government Bachelor's degree)`,
asianGradsPoliticalScience16 = `Asian total (C2016_A_RV First major Political Science and Government Bachelor's degree)`,
hispanicGradsPoliticalScience16 = `Hispanic or Latino total (C2016_A_RV First major Political Science and Government Bachelor's degree)`,
whiteGradsPoliticalScience16 = `White total (C2016_A_RV First major Political Science and Government Bachelor's degree)`,
##### Expand IPEDS download to include every racial group + M25
totalEnroll15 = `Grand total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
asianEnroll15 = `Asian total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
blackEnroll15 = `Black or African American total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)` ,
hispanicEnroll15 = `Hispanic total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
whiteEnroll15 = `White total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
twoOrMoreRacesEnroll15 = `Two or more races total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
UnknownEnroll15 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
nonResAlienEnroll15 = `Nonresident alien total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
natHawPacIsleEnroll15 = `Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
AmIndAlaNatEnroll15 = `American Indian or Alaska Native total (EF2015A_RV Full-time students Undergraduate Degree/certificate-seeking First-time)`,
M25th15 = `SAT Math 25th percentile score (ADM2015_RV)`) %>%
mutate(totalGradsSocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli16 =
totalGradsSocialSciences16 -
(totalGradsEconomics16 + totalGradsPoliticalScience16),
asianGradsSocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli16 =
asianGradsSocialSciences16 -
(asianGradsEconomics16 + asianGradsPoliticalScience16),
blackGradsSocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli16 =
blackGradsSocialSciences16 -
(blackGradsEconomics16 + blackGradsPoliticalScience16),
hispanicGradsSocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli16 =
hispanicGradsSocialSciences16 -
(hispanicGradsEconomics16 + hispanicGradsPoliticalScience16),
whiteGradsSocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli16 =
whiteGradsSocialSciences16 -
(whiteGradsEconomics16 + whiteGradsPoliticalScience16)) %>%
select(-c(totalGradsSocialSciences16, asianGradsSocialSciences16,
blackGradsSocialSciences16, hispanicGradsSocialSciences16,
prepTableOthers_0 <- function(dt){##
### Reads raw IPEDS data for some other variables,
### resident alien, unknown, and two or more races
### renames variables, calculates misc other stuff
dt <- dt %>%
# Rename IPEDS variables to user friendly names
rename(institution = `Institution Name`,
# 42
twoOrMoreRacesGrads16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Bachelor's degree Grand total)`,
unknownGrads16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Bachelor's degree Grand total)`,
nonResAlienGrads16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Bachelor's degree Grand total)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsAgriculture16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Agriculture Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsAgriculture16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Agriculture Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsAgriculture16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Agriculture Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsNaturalResourcesConservation16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Natural Resources and Conservation Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsNaturalResourcesConservation16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Natural Resources and Conservation Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsNaturalResourcesConservation16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Natural Resources and Conservation Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsArchitecture16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Architecture and Related Services Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsArchitecture16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Architecture and Related Services Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsArchitecture16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Architecture and Related Services Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsAreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Area Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsAreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Area Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsAreaEthnicCulturalGenderGroup16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Area Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Bachelor's degree)`, #5
twoOrMoreRacesGradsCommunicationJournalism16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Communication Journalism and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsCommunicationJournalism16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Communication Journalism and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsCommunicationJournalism16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Communication Journalism and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsCommunicationsTechnologies16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsCommunicationsTechnologies16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsCommunicationsTechnologies16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsComputerInformationSciences16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsComputerInformationSciences16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsComputerInformationSciences16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsPersonalCulinaryServices16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Personal and Culinary Services Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownRacesGradsPersonalCulinaryServices16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Personal and Culinary Services Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsPersonalCulinaryServices16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Personal and Culinary Services Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsEducation16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Education Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsEducation16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Education Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsEducation16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Education Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsEngineering16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsEngineering16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsEngineering16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsEngineeringTechnologies16 =`Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields Bachelor's degree)`, unknownGradsEngineeringTechnologies16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsEngineeringTechnologies16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Engineering Technologies and Engineering-related Fields Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Foreign Languages Literatures and Linguistics Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Foreign Languages Literatures and Linguistics Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsForeignLanguagesLiteraturesLinguistics16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Foreign Languages Literatures and Linguistics Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsFamilyConsumerSciences16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsFamilyConsumerSciences16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsFamilyConsumerSciences16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsLegalProfessionsStudies16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Legal Professions and Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsLegalProfessionsStudies16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Legal Professions and Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsLegalProfessionsStudies16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Legal Professions and Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsEnglishLanguageLiterature16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major English Language and Literature/Letters Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsEnglishLanguageLiterature16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major English Language and Literature/Letters Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsEnglishLanguageLiterature16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major English Language and Literature/Letters Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsLiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies and Humanities Bachelor's degree)` ,
unknownGradsLiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies and Humanities Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsLiberalArtsSciencesGeneralStudies16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Liberal Arts and Sciences General Studies and Humanities Bachelor's degree)` ,
# 17
twoOrMoreRacesGradsLibraryScience16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Library Science Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsLibraryScience16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Library Science Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsLibraryScience16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Library Science Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsBiologicalBiomedicalSciences16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor's degree)` ,
unknownGradsBiologicalBiomedicalSciences16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsBiologicalBiomedicalSciences16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsMathematicsStatistics16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Mathematics and Statistics Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsMathematicsStatistics16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Mathematics and Statistics Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsMathematicsStatistics16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Mathematics and Statistics Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsMilitaryTechnologiesAppliedSciences16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Military Technologies and Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree)` ,
unknownGradsMilitaryTechnologiesAppliedSciences16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Military Technologies and Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsMilitaryTechnologiesAppliedSciences16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Military Technologies and Applied Sciences Bachelor's degree)` ,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsMultiInterdisciplinaryStudies16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsMultiInterdisciplinaryStudies16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsMultiInterdisciplinaryStudies16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Parks Recreation Leisure and Fitness Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies16 =`Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Parks Recreation Leisure and Fitness Studies Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsParksRecreationLeisureFitnessStudies16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Parks Recreation Leisure and Fitness Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsPhilosophyReligiousStudies16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Philosophy and Religious Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsPhilosophyReligiousStudies16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Philosophy and Religious Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsPhilosophyReligiousStudies16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Philosophy and Religious Studies Bachelor's degree)`,
# 24
twoOrMoreRacesGradsTheologyReligiousVocations16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Theology and Religious Vocations Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsTheologyReligiousVocations16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Theology and Religious Vocations Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsGradsTheologyReligiousVocations16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Theology and Religious Vocations Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsPhysicalSciences16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Physical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsPhysicalSciences16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Physical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsPhysicalSciences16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Physical Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
# 26
twoOrMoreRacesGradsScienceTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Science Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsScienceTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Science Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsScienceTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Science Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsPsychology16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Psychology Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsPsychology16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Psychology Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsPsychology16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Psychology Bachelor's degree)` ,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsPublicAdministrationSocialService16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Public Administration and Social Service Professions Bachelor's degree)` ,
unknownGradsPublicAdministrationSocialService16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Public Administration and Social Service Professions Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsPublicAdministrationSocialService16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Public Administration and Social Service Professions Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsConstructionTrades16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Construction Trades Bachelor's degree)` ,
unknownGradsConstructionTrades16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Construction Trades Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsConstructionTrades16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Construction Trades Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsMechanicRepairTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsMechanicRepairTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsMechanicRepairTechnologiesTechnicians16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Bachelor's degree)` ,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsPrecisionProduction16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Precision Production Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsPrecisionProduction16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Precision Production Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsPrecisionProduction16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Precision Production Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsTransportationMaterialsMoving16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Transportation and Materials Moving Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsTransportationMaterialsMoving16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Transportation and Materials Moving Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsTransportationMaterialsMoving16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Transportation and Materials Moving Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsVisualPerformingArts16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsVisualPerformingArts16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsVisualPerformingArts16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Visual and Performing Arts Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsHealthProfessionsRelatedPrograms16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Health Professions and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsHealthProfessionsRelatedPrograms16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Health Professions and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsHealthProfessionsRelatedPrograms16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Health Professions and Related Programs Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsBusinessManagementMarketing16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Business Management Marketing and Related Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsBusinessManagementMarketing16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Business Management Marketing and Related Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsBusinessManagementMarketing16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Business Management Marketing and Related Support Services Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsHistory16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major History Bachelor's degree)` ,
unknownGradsHistory16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major History Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsHistory16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major History Bachelor's degree)`,
# 38
twoOrMoreRacesGradsHomelandSecurityLawEnforcementFirefightingRelatedProtectiveService16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Homeland Security Law Enforcement Firefighting and Related Protective Service Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsHomelandSecurityLawEnforcementFirefightingRelatedProtectiveService16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Homeland Security Law Enforcement Firefighting and Related Protective Service Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsHomelandSecurityLawEnforcementFirefightingRelatedProtectiveService16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Homeland Security Law Enforcement Firefighting and Related Protective Service Bachelor's degree)`,
# 39
twoOrMoreRacesGradsEconomics16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Economics Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsEconomics16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Economics Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsEconomics16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Economics Bachelor's degree)`,
twoOrMoreRacesGradsPoliticalScience16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Political Science and Government Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsPoliticalScience16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Political Science and Government Bachelor's degree)` ,
nonResAlienGradsPoliticalScience16= `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Political Science and Government Bachelor's degree)` ,
# 41
twoOrMoreRacesGradsSocialSciences16 = `Two or more races total (C2016_A_RV First major Social Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
unknownGradsSocialSciences16 = `Race/ethnicity unknown total (C2016_A_RV First major Social Sciences Bachelor's degree)`,
nonResAlienGradsSocialSciences16 = `Nonresident alien total (C2016_A_RV First major Social Sciences Bachelor's degree)` ) %>%
# Modify to refer to twoOrMore, unknown, nonResAlien
mutate(twoOrMoreRacesGradsSocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli16 =
twoOrMoreRacesGradsSocialSciences16 -
(twoOrMoreRacesGradsEconomics16 + twoOrMoreRacesGradsPoliticalScience16),
unknownGradsSocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli16 =
unknownGradsSocialSciences16 -
(unknownGradsEconomics16 + unknownGradsPoliticalScience16),
nonResAlienGradsSocialSciencesWithoutEconPoli16 =
nonResAlienGradsSocialSciences16 -
(nonResAlienGradsEconomics16 + nonResAlienGradsPoliticalScience16)) %>%
# Modify to refer to twoOrMoreRaces, unknown, nonResAlien
unknownGradsSocialSciences16, nonResAlienGradsSocialSciences16))
# return(dt)
shortInlongOut <- function(short, dt){
longNames <- dt$institution
lVec <- str_detect(longNames, short) # ... at least 5 chars
if (sum(lVec) == 0) {
print(paste("Can't find", short))
} else if (sum(lVec) >=2) {
print(paste("More than one match for", short))
index <- seq(1:length(longNames))[lVec]
prepTableRaceOthers_0 <- function(dt1=table_0, dt2=tableOthers_0) {
### Function joins graduate variables in table_0 with
### graduate variables in tableOthers_0 via shared UnitID
### ... drops extra duplicate copy of institution
# Exclude enrollment data from dt1
dt1 <- dt1 %>%
select(-c(totalEnroll15, asianEnroll15,
blackEnroll15, hispanicEnroll15, whiteEnroll15,
twoOrMoreRacesEnroll15, UnknownEnroll15,
nonResAlienEnroll15, natHawPacIsleEnroll15,
AmIndAlaNatEnroll15, twoOrMoreRacesEnroll15, M25th15))
dt2 <- select(dt2, -institution)
# Inner Join the tables
dt <- inner_join(dt1, dt2, by = "UnitID")
makeBasicListGrads <- function(shortName, dt=tableRaceOthers_0) {
### Wrangle long format tibble into wide format tibble with race in
### first column followed by degrees
longName <- shortInlongOut(shortName, dt)
if(is.null(longName)) {
dt <- dt %>%
filter(institution == longName)
# Skip first two columns UnitID and institution
dtRow <- dt[1, -c(1,2)]
# Delete the variables that have NA values
logVec <- !is.na(dtRow)
colVec <- 2 + c(1:length(logVec))[logVec]
dt <- dt[, c(1,2, colVec)]
vNames <- names(dt)
vNames <- str_replace_all(vNames, pattern="total", replacement = "total-")
vNames <- str_replace_all(vNames, pattern="asian", replacement = "asian-")
vNames <- str_replace_all(vNames, pattern="black", replacement = "black-")
vNames <- str_replace_all(vNames, pattern="hispanic", replacement = "hispanic-")
vNames <- str_replace_all(vNames, pattern="white", replacement = "white-")
vNames <- str_replace_all(vNames, pattern="twoOrMoreRaces", replacement = "twoOrMoreRaces-")
vNames <- str_replace_all(vNames, pattern="unknown", replacement = "unknown-")
vNames <- str_replace_all(vNames, pattern="nonResAlien", replacement = "nonResAlien-")
names(dt) <- vNames
dt <- gather(dt, programs, grads, -c(institution, UnitID))
dt <- dt[, -c(1, 2)] # drop 1st 2 cols institution and UnitID
dt <- separate(dt, programs, into=c("race", "degree"), sep="-")
# "Grads16" becomes a "degree" after separate
dt <- spread(dt, key=degree, value=grads)
dt <- arrange(dt, desc(Grads16))
asianGrads <- dt[3, "Grads16"]
whiteGrads <- dt[2, "Grads16"]
asianGrads2whiteGrads16 <- round(asianGrads/whiteGrads, 2)
basicListGrads <- list("institution" = longName, "allGradData16" = dt,
"asianGrads2whiteGrads16" = asianGrads2whiteGrads16)
makeTableSummaryEnrollDraft <- function (dt=table_0){
### Function selects the enrollment variables from dt, drops all others
dt <- dt %>%
select(institution, totalEnroll15, asianEnroll15,
blackEnroll15, hispanicEnroll15, whiteEnroll15,
UnknownEnroll15, AmIndAlaNatEnroll15, nonResAlienEnroll15,
natHawPacIsleEnroll15, AmIndAlaNatEnroll15,
twoOrMoreRacesEnroll15, M25th15) %>%
rename(Institution = institution, Total=totalEnroll15,
Asian=asianEnroll15, Black=blackEnroll15,
Hispanic=hispanicEnroll15, White=whiteEnroll15,
Unknown = UnknownEnroll15,
NatHawPac = natHawPacIsleEnroll15,
AmIndAlNat = AmIndAlaNatEnroll15,
TwoOrMore = twoOrMoreRacesEnroll15) %>%
### C. Execute the script commands that call the functions
table_0 <- prepTable_0(dtIPEDS_raw)
# glimpse(table_0)
tableOthers_0 <- prepTableOthers_0(dtIPEDS_Others_raw)
# glimpse(tableOthers_0)
tableRaceOthers_0 <- prepTableRaceOthers_0(table_0, tableOthers_0)
# glimpse(tableRaceOthers_0)
tableSummaryEnrollDraft <- makeTableSummaryEnrollDraft(table_0)
# Make the first list objects for each of the 21 institutions
Harvard <- makeBasicListGrads("Harvard")
Yale <- makeBasicListGrads("Yale")
Princeton <- makeBasicListGrads("Princeton")
Cornell <- makeBasicListGrads("Cornell")
Columbia <- makeBasicListGrads("Columbia")
Dartmouth <- makeBasicListGrads("Dartmouth")
Brown <- makeBasicListGrads("Brown")
Penn <- makeBasicListGrads("Penn")
Stanford <- makeBasicListGrads("Stanford")
Duke <- makeBasicListGrads("Duke")
Northwestern <- makeBasicListGrads("Northwestern")
Rice <- makeBasicListGrads("Rice")
Tufts <- makeBasicListGrads("Tufts")
Amherst <- makeBasicListGrads("Amher")
NotreDame <- makeBasicListGrads("Notre")
Vanderbilt <- makeBasicListGrads("Vande")
Washington <- makeBasicListGrads("Washi")
Illinois <- makeBasicListGrads("Illin")
Carnegie <- makeBasicListGrads("Carne")
MIT <- makeBasicListGrads("Massa")
CalTech <- makeBasicListGrads("Calif")
Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell,
Columbia, Dartmouth, Brown, Penn,
Stanford, Duke, Northwestern, Rice,
Tufts, Amherst, NotreDame, Vanderbilt,
Washington, Illinois, Carnegie, MIT,
CalTech, tableSummaryEnrollDraft)
# Examples
tableAllHarvardData16 <- Harvard[["allGradData16"]]
This blog was established by the Digital Learning Lab to provide information that supports Black America’s efforts to close the Digital Divide. Its original focus on HBCUs has been broadened to include other colleges, universities, and community-based groups that enhance the computational thinking skills of Black Americans and the networks of successful Black techs who support each others’ efforts to achieve even greater success.
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