R-code master4

 ### Script saves copies of tables and charts to external files  
 #  User must create folder/subdirectory called "TablesAndCharts"   
 #  before running these scripts  
 ### A. 1. Set the working directory, load required   
 ###   libraries, and read IPEDS data  
 rm(list = ls()) ### clear the environment  
 home <- "/blah-blah...blah-blah/PROJECT-AFFIRMATIVE-ACTION-LEGAL-CHALLENGE/"  
 ### Developed using R = version 3.5.1 and R Studio = version 1.456  
 ### install.packages("tidyverse")  
 ### B. Source the local functions  
 saveCharts <- function(dt, chartName, isSummary=FALSE){  
 ### Function saves all charts for each institution to .jpg files  
   if(isSummary) {   
     # Save a summary: chart = dt  
       chart = dt  
       fileName <- paste0("TablesAndCharts/", chartName, ".jpg")  
       savePlot(chart, fileName)  
   } else {  
     for (inst in dt){  
       chart <- inst[[chartName]]  
       shortName <- inst[["shortName"]]  
       fileName <- paste0("TablesAndCharts/", shortName, "-",chartName, ".jpg")  
       savePlot(chart, fileName)  
 savePlot <- function(chart, fileName){  
   ggsave(plot=chart, filename=fileName, device="jpeg", width=8, height=4, dpi=300)  
 saveTables <- function(dt, tableName, isSummary=FALSE) {  
 ### Function calls Kable to save all tables for each institution to .html files  
 ### ... or to save a standalone summary table  
 ### Remember to manually add style section to html to add desired color  
 ### to the rows ... don't use "stripe" option in saveKable function  
   setwd(paste0(home, "/TablesAndCharts/"))  
   if(isSummary) {   
     # Save a summary: table = dt  
     fileName <- paste0(tableName, ".html")  
     title <- paste0("<b>", tableName, "</b>")  
     table <- dt  
     saveKable(table, fileName, title)   
   } else { # Save tables for all institutions      
     for (inst in dt){ # save a table for each instituton in dt  
       table <- inst[[tableName]]  
       title <- paste0("<b>", inst[["institution"]], " Graduates, Class of 2016</b>")  
       shortName <- inst[["shortName"]]  
       fileName <- paste0(shortName, "-", tableName, ".html")  
       saveKable(table, fileName, title)  
 saveKable <- function(table, fileName, title = NULL) {  
 ### Function invokes Kable to create markdown for one table,  
 ### then saves the table to filename  
   kable(table, caption=title) %>%  
     kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c( "hover",   
         full_width = TRUE, "responsive")) %>%  
     save_kable(file = fileName, self_contained = T)    
 ### C. Execute the script commands that call the functions   
 #   Print and save final version of objects each institution  
 # Don't rush through the saves that are not isSummary  
 #  They take a few moments. Rushing generates spurious  
 #  error messages    
 saveCharts(listInstitutions, "chartGradRace")  
 # Some charts remove rows that are zeros or infinite... OK  
 saveCharts(listInstitutions, "chartGradRaceA2W")  
 saveCharts(chartSummaryGrads, "chartSummaryGrads", isSummary = TRUE)  
 saveCharts(chartSummaryNamesTop5AFAs, "chartSummaryNamesTop5AFAs", isSummary = TRUE)  
 saveTables(listInstitutions, "tableGradRaceOthers")  
 saveTables(listInstitutions, "tableGradRaceRaces")  
 saveTables(tableHarvardTech, "tableHarvardTech", isSummary=TRUE)  
 saveTables(tableSummaryGrads, "tableSummaryGrads", isSummary=TRUE)  
 saveTables(tableSummaryEnrollRaces,"tableSummaryEnrollRaces", isSummary=TRUE)  
 saveTables(tableSummaryEnrollOthers,"tableSummaryEnrollOthers", isSummary=TRUE)  
 save(file="master4.rda", listInstitutions, tableSummaryGrads, tableHarvardTech,   
    tableSummaryEnrollRaces, tableSummaryEnrollOthers, chartSummaryGrads)  

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