Monday, February 29, 2016

Directory of HBCU Computer Science Programs ... Bachelors & Masters, Version 2.0

Last update: Friday 5/15/15 

The directory of Computer Science programs offered by HBCUs appears at the end of this report in Table D in the APPENDIX. An overview of the directory is provided by the comments on the following three summary tables and charts ... Note: this report will be updated in Fall 2016

Saturday, February 27, 2016

TECH Dozens -- Week Ending Saturday 2/27/16

Last update: Sunday 2/28/16 @ 12:05 pm

This week's cover = photo from tweet about Apple vs. FBI 

... Other top stories = Code/Interactive Diversity in Tech awards (NYC)... Qeyno Labs My Brother's Keeper hackathon (Oakland)

The Digital Learning Lab's favorite tweets about how HBCUs and other organizations are promoting skills that yield more diverse employment opportunities and more diverse entrepreneurial opportunities in information technology (#DiversityInTech) ... plus tweets about significant innovations in Ed Tech and Info Tech ... Big news, interesting stories, insightful comments, and good reads ... for the week ending Saturday 2/27/16.

A. HBCUs | B. Ed Tech | C. Info Tech | D. Hackers | E. Views  ... 

TECH Dozens 2015 ==> Q1 ... Q2 ... Q3 ... Q4 ...  Calendar 

Friday, February 26, 2016

DLL Storify of Qeyno Labs My Brother's Keeper MBK Hackathon -- Friday 2/26/16 to Sunday 2/28/16

Last update: Sunday 2/28/16 @ 6:36 pm Pacific
From 6 pm Friday until 6 pm Sunday PST, Qeyno Labs will host its 3rd Annual My Brother's Keeper Hackathon in Oakland as part of TEQWeek. #MBKHack focuses on lifting the life outcomes of young men of color, but strongly encourages every young person to apply and every adult to participate as a mentor. Knowledge of coding is not required.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

DLL Storify of Code/Interactive Diversity In Tech Awards -- Thursday 2/25/16

Last update: Thursday 2/25/16 @ 10:45 pm
Code/Interactive organized this special night at the Bowery Hotel in New York City, a capstone event of Social Media Week 2016. It brought together leaders from tech, government, non-profit, and education for the biggest celebration of its kind. 

Honors were bestowed on organizations and individuals who championed diversity in tech, including a posthumous honor for Hank Williams, a courageous visionary who organized Platform 2013, 2014, and 2015, the first national conferences that addressed this important issue.

Directory of HBCU Online & Blended Degree Programs -- 2014

Last updated: Friday 6/20/14 @ 12:52 pm
This table below lists the online & blended degree programs offered by the nation's 106 HBCUs in 2014 as determined by the DLL's survey of their Websites in late May/early June 2014. The list of "new" HBCUs, i.e., the list of HBCUs that did not offer programs in 2013, is found HERE ... Programs that were announced, but not implemented yet are not included. This report will be updated in summer 2016.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Major Centers for Blacks in Technology

Last update: Thursday 8/18/16

"... Forget Silicon Valley ..."

The words in quotes (above) were voiced in various tweets and retweets that were posted during Black Tech Week 2016 in Miami. They succinctly express a notion that I first posted on this blog in January 2015, "Black America Needs more Oaklands," and again in May 2015, "Diversity in Tech -- Silicon Valley vs. the rest of the U.S."

Sunday, February 21, 2016

TECH Dozens -- Week Ending Saturday 2/20/16

Last update: Sunday 2/21/16 @ 12:30 pm

This week's cover = Graphic from tweet about Black Tech Week ... Other top stories = Judge orders Apple to help FBI hack San Bernadino Shooter's iPhone ... Apple resists court order to provide iPhone hack for FBI ... Apple vs. FBI -- allies and bystanders 

The Digital Learning Lab's favorite tweets about how HBCUs and other organizations are promoting skills that yield more diverse employment opportunities and more diverse entrepreneurial opportunities in information technology (#DiversityInTech) ... plus tweets about significant innovations in Ed Tech and Info Tech ... Big news, interesting stories, insightful comments, and good reads ... for the week ending Saturday 2/20/16.

A. HBCUs | B. Ed Tech | C. Info Tech | D. Hackers | E. Views  ... 

TECH Dozens 2015 ==> Q1 ... Q2 ... Q3 ... Q4 ...  Calendar 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Miami as a major center for Blacks in technology

Last update: Saturday 12/20/15
The second annual Blacktech Week came to a close today. It was organized by Code Fever and scheduled as part of Black History Month (February). As editor of the TECH-Levers blog, I storyfied the week's most important events: its opening reception (Tuesday), White House Twitter Chat (Wednesday morning), 3-day Technology Summit (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday), and Women's Innovation Brunch (Saturday). 

Friday, February 19, 2016

DLL Storify of @BlackTechWeek Women's Innovation Brunch -- Saturday 2/20/16

Last update: Saturday 2/20/16
Black Tech Week's 2nd annual Women’s Innovation Brunch featured an awesome panel of women innovators and entrepreneurs, including:  Jewel Burks (founder, PartPic), Eunice Cofie (founder, Neukie), Dawn Dixon (founder, Flat out of Heels), Kathryn Finney (founder, digitalundivided),  Felecia Hatcher (founder, Black Tech Week), Dr. Yvonne Johnson (co-Director, Emergency Department, South Miami Hospital), Mary Spio (founder, Next Galaxy Corp), and others ...

DLL Storify of @BlackTechWeek 3-Day Technology Summit -- Day 3, Friday 2/19/16

Last update: Friday 2/19/16 
Blacktech Week was established in 2014 by Code Fever to provide more impactful programming around Black History Month. In addition to celebrating innovators of color, the week's activities aim to change the narrative surrounding Miami's Black community, replacing it with innovation, creativity and technology.  The 3-Day Technology Summit is the week's main event.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

DLL Storify of Education Technology Meetup + Code/Bronx Info Session -- Wednesday 2/17/16

Last update: Thursday 2/18/16

The ed tech industry received nearly $3 billion in investment in 2015, up from $1.87 billion in 2014 -- yet our schools are not transforming fast enough to keep up with today's rapidly changing job market. 

Organized by Bronx Tech Meetup and held at Manhattan College, this get-together was perfect for techies with an education interest, teachers who are filling their classrooms with tech, and anyone who wants to get involved in one of the industries with the largest growth potential within tech.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

DLL Storify of @BlackTechWeek 3-Day Technology Summit -- Day 2, Thursday 2/18/16

Last update: Thursday 2/18/16 @ 9:04 pm 
Blacktech Week was established in 2014 by Code Fever to provide more impactful programming around Black History Month. In addition to celebrating innovators of color, the week's activities aim to change the narrative surrounding Miami's Black community, replacing it with innovation, creativity and technology.  The 3-Day Technology Summit is the week's main event.

DLL Storify of @BlackTechWeek 3-Day Technology Summit -- Day 1, Wednesday 2/17/16

Last update: Wednesday 2/17/16
Blacktech Week was established in 2014 by Code Fever to provide more impactful programming around Black History Month. In addition to celebrating innovators of color, the week's activities aim to change the narrative surrounding Miami's Black community, replacing it with innovation, creativity and technology.  The 3-Day Technology Summit is the week's main event.

DLL Storify of White House & #BlackTechWeek Twitter Chat -- Wednesday 2/17/16

Last update: Wednesday 2/17/16
Black Tech Week and the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans hosted a Twitter Chat (12:00 noon, Eastern, Wednesday 2/17/16) among a distinguished panel that included Felicia Hatcher, co-founder of BlackTech Week. More information can be found on the chat's event poster.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

DLL Storify of Opening Reception for BlackTech Week -- Tuesday 2/16/16

Last update: Tuesday 2/16/16
Blacktech Week is a week long cultural celebration that highlights cutting-edge technologies and entrepreneurial innovation. This component of Black History Month officially starts with a reception this evening (Tuesday, 5 pm to 7 pm) and continues through the Technology Summit from Wednesday through Friday.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

TECH Dozens -- Week Ending Saturday 2/13/16

Last update: Sunday 2/14/16 @ 12:30 pm
This week's cover = graphic from tweet about discovery of Einstein gravitational waves ... Other top stories = Justice Antonin Scalia in memoriam ... Zuckerberg apologizes for Andreessen comments after India bans Facebook Internet ... and #ProjectDiane reports underfunded Black female entrepreneurs 

The Digital Learning Lab's favorite tweets about how HBCUs and other organizations are promoting skills that yield more diverse employment opportunities and more diverse entrepreneurial opportunities in information technology (#DiversityInTech) ... plus tweets about significant innovations in Ed Tech and Info Tech ... Big news, interesting stories, insightful comments, and good reads ... for the week ending Saturday 2/13/16.

A. HBCUs | B. Ed Tech | C. Info Tech | D. Hackers | E. Views  ... 

TECH Dozens 2015 ==> Q1 ... Q2 ... Q3 ... Q4 ...  Calendar 

DLL Storify of CodeDay Chicago-- Saturday 2/13/16, Sunday 2/14/16

Last update: Saturday 2/13/16
CodeDay Chicago is 24-hour event from noontime (Central) on Saturday 2/13/16 to noontime (Central) Sunday 2/14/16. Sponsored by Illinois Innovation Network and hosted by Blue1647, CodeDay Chicago is a place where students will get together and build cool things together.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Black America needs more Oaklands

Revised: Thursday 2/11/16

In recent decades governors, mayors, and corporate nabobs all over the country have launched initiatives that were supposed to develop local versions of Silicon Valley. So far the results have been disappointing. 

Saturday, February 06, 2016

TECH Dozens -- Week Ending Saturday 2/6/16

This week's cover = Graphic from NSU tweet about Black History Month  ... Other top stories = Google's strong quarterly earnings ... Twitter fights terrorism ... and  Diversity reports from Intel & Slack 

The Digital Learning Lab's favorite tweets about how HBCUs and other organizations are promoting skills that yield more diverse employment opportunities and more diverse entrepreneurial opportunities in information technology (#DiversityInTech) ... plus tweets about significant innovations in Ed Tech and Info Tech ... Big news, interesting stories, insightful comments, and good reads ... for the week ending Saturday 2/6/16.

A. HBCUs | B. Ed Tech | C. Info Tech | D. Hackers | E. Views  ... 

TECH Dozens 2015 ==> Q1 ... Q2 ... Q3 ... Q4 ...  Calendar 

DLL Storify of the 500 Startups and Digital Ocean "Diversity & Entrepreneurship Summit (NYC)" -- Saturday 2/6/16

Last update: Saturday 2/6/16
500 Startups and Digital Ocean teamed up to host a one day event filled with talks, panels, and fundraising strategies with New York City and San Francisco investors and entrepreneurs from 11 am to 4:30 pm on Saturday 2/6/17. Proceeds from this event are being donated to Black Girls Code

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

DLL Storify of C/I Code Camp -- Saturday 1/30/16, Sunday 1/31/16

Last update: Tuesday 2/2/16
Founded in 2001, CampInteractive's original goal was to empower inner city youth to realize their potential. Since 2012, CI has strategically advanced towards an expanded mission of inspiring the next generation of tech leaders in underserved communities.